I'm an Associate Professor of Political Science at Vanderbilt University and faculty affiliate of the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions (CSDI).
Prior to joining Vanderbilt, I had the pleasure of serving in the Political Science department at the University of Pittsburgh between Fall 2013 and Summer 2016.
My research interests include American political institutions, executive branch policymaking, separation of powers politics, and formal and quantitative methods. My research has appeared in political science journals including the American Journal of Political Science, the Journal of Politics, the Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, Legislative Studies Quarterly, and Presidential Studies Quarterly.
Specifically, much of my work focuses on how both Congress and the courts influence the president's use of various unilateral powers including executive orders, signing statements, rulemaking, and regulatory review. I also explore how many of these constraints influence the longevity of executive policies. Further, I am working to apply existing federal SOP theories, as well as develop new ones, to state-level policymaking by examining gubernatorial executive orders. Other projects explore the causes and consequences of institutional capacity, executive discretion, gubernatorial power, and motivations in campaign contributions.
My book with Alex Bolton (Emory University), Checks in the Balance: Legislative Capacity and the Dynamics of Executive Power (Princeton University Press) explores how legislative capacity influences the degree to which executive power is constrained. My second book project will examine the reciprocal relationship between the executive and judicial branches of government.
I earned my PhD in Politics from Princeton University in July 2013. Before that, I graduated from The Ohio State University in 2008 with a BA in Political Science and Economics. As a native of Ohio and proud OSU alumna, I am a faithful fan of the Ohio State Buckeyes - especially football. How firm thy friendship...O-HI-O!